Olympus E-PL6
Condition: New
Transaction: Sell

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ID #137
Modified 8 years ago
Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
Canon manufactures consumer imaging products including printers, scanners, binoculars, compact digital cameras, film SLR and digital SLR cameras, lenses and video camcorders.

The "Business Solutions" division offers multi-functional printers, black and white and color office printers, large format printers, scanners, black and white and color production printers, as well as software to support these products.

DeVito/Verdi was hired for an award winning, humorous campaign with the concept “If business were that easy, you wouldn't need us,” using old office footage to describe the new ways Canon Business Solutions was bringing copiers and office supplies forward.

Lesser known Canon products include medical, optical and broadcast products, including ophthalmic and x-ray devices, broadcast lenses, semiconductors, digital microfilm scanners, and handy terminals.


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    Re: Question by John:

    Hello, this product is stil available ;)

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    United States
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    Country United States
    Region Iowa
    Address Garnavillo
    Type Private
    Olympus E-PL6 - 1/2
    Olympus E-PL6 - 2/2
    Olympus E-PL6
    Canon manufactures consumer imaging products including printers, scanners, binoculars, compact digital cameras, film SLR and digital SLR cameras, lenses and video camcorders. The "Business Solutions" division offers multi-functional printers, black and white and color office printers, large format p...
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